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Bobi Wine files election petition, contests Museveni win | 5 Things That Should Matter Today

Bobi Wine
  1. Bobi Wine files election petition, contests Museveni win

Ugandan opposition leader Bobi Wine has filed a challenge in the Supreme Court on Monday, 1 February 2021, against President Yoweri Museveni’s victory in last month’s election, claiming the poll was rigged.

The 38-year-old singer-turned-politician came a distant second behind president Yoweri in the January 14 election that followed some of Uganda’s worst pre-election bloodshed in years.

2. Rwanda protests travel ban from the UK

East African country, Rwanda has expressed its displeasure with the United Kingdom after London banned travellers from the country.

The ban was supposedly placed to reduce the spread of the novel COVID-19 Virus. It was later in January when the UK’s transport minister announced that his country had added Rwanda, Burundi, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to its coronavirus travel ban list with effect from Friday, January 29.

3. COVID-19: Africa is being left behind, UN warns

The United Nations has stated that Less than 0.1 per cent of the COVID-19 vaccines administered worldwide, so far, were administered in Africa despite the continent making up about 20 per cent of the global population.

The UN said also stated that over 70 million doses of the approved COVID-19 vaccines have been administered so far globally. But less than 20,000 doses of these vaccines were administered in Africa, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a tweet on Sunday night.

4. Nigeria spends N49.68bn on pipeline vandalism in ten months

In a report by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, the giant West African country is said to have spent N49.68bn on pipeline vandalism. The monthly report also showed a total of 363 vandalised points were recorded from January to October 2020.

In the report, NNPC said it spent N5.48bn on pipeline repairs and management cost in January; N6.74bn in February; N7.69bn in March; N7.84bn in April; N7.99bn in May and N6.24bn in June.

5. Zuma chooses silence on corruption probe

Former South African president, Jacob Zuma, has continued to play around with the corruption probe he is facing in court.

On Monday, 1 February 2021, Zuma, 78, vowed he would not appear before a judicial panel that will probe him on corruption during his nine-year administration. His move goes against the last court order for him to appear and testify before the state capture inquiry.

The commission “can expect no further cooperation from me in any of their processes going forward,” Zuma said in a statement.




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